La magia de Sevilla y Cádiz en bicicleta
Descubre paisajes extraordinarios y los más bonitos pueblos de Sevilla y Cádiz en bicicleta y en magníficos hoteles de lujo.
Desde 1,242 € por persona
Detalles ...
Dura:6 noches, 7 días
Fechas:Marzo a 30 de Junio | Sept a 30 Nov
Empieza:Cualquier día
Distancias más largas y terreno montañoso, con tal vez cuatro ascensos por día.
Superficie:Carreteritas: 72.4%. Carril bici: 9.8%. Caminos: 17.8%.
Promedio diario distancia / subida:61 km / 506 m.
Explora la magia de Sevilla, los pueblos blancos, los orígenes del flamenco y los vinos de Jerez y las fabulosas playas de Cádiz, ciudad de la luz.
- Estancias en tres espectaculares Paradores de Turismo en Carmona, Arcos de la Frontera y Cádiz. Hoteles de cuatro estrellas.
- Rutas ciclistas en paisajes llanos entre campos de cereales y girasoles y siguiendo la fértil cuenca del río Guadalete.
- Disfruta de los maravillosos paisajes de la falda de la montaña de la Sierra de Grazalema y la preciosa Vía Verde de la Sierra.
- Descansa entre almendros y olivos, cenando bajo las estrellas y al lado de la piscina en una hacienda andaluza.
- Tendrás la oportunidad de conocer pueblos típicos andaluces como Carmona y Arcos de la Frontera.
- Disfruta de buenos vinos y flamenco en las calles de Jerez de la Frontera y pescaito frito en el Puerto de Santa María.
- Las playas de Cádiz son una maravilla y la ciudad una delicia. El Parador donde te hospedarás en Cádiz es espectacular.
Día 1: Llegada a Sevilla
Sevilla es una ciudad con una vitalidad y un carisma extravagantes. Su riqueza cultural e histórica son evidentes al pasear por las calles y multitud de monumentos del centro de la ciudad. Un día no es suficiente para ver todo lo que tiene que ofrecer.
Día 2: Sevilla a Carmona
Distancia: 50 km. Subida: 524 m.
Entrega de bicicletas y ajuste a tu fisionomía. La ruta te llevará por carril bici hasta las afueras de la ciudad donde coges una Vía Verde siguiendo el río Guadaira hasta Alcalá donde recomendamos parar a comer.
El resto de Vía Verde te llevará hasta la imponente ciudad amurallada de Carmona. En el interior del recinto amurallado: iglesias medievales, palacios y el impresionante fuerte de origen árabe, el Alcázar, ahora convertido en Parador de Turismo.
Día 3: Carmona a Montellano
Distancia: 69 km. Subida: 561 m.
La ruta ciclista de hoy es más larga y te lleva por carreteritas sin tráfico y entre campos de cultivo hasta un pueblo blanco cercano a la Sierra de Grazalema.
Cruzarás varios típicos de la campiña Sevillana en el camino donde podrás parar a tomar un refresco o comer.
La noche la pasarás en una maravillosa hacienda. Hotel Rural con piscina, entre olivos y rodeado de naturaleza.
Día 4: Montellano a Arcos de la Frontera
Distancia: 66 km. Subida: 718 m.
La mayoría del trayecto de hoy es por carreteras secundarias preciosas y sin apenas tráfico y por otra Vía Verde: la famosa Vía Verde de la Sierra, una de las más bonitas de España.
Pedalearás entre bosque mediterráneo y colinas del piedemonte de la Sierra de Grazalema. Los paisajes son maravillosos.
El fin de la ruta es espectacular llegando a Arcos de la Frontera, uno de los pueblos más fotogénicos de España.
Día 5: Arcos a Jerez de la Frontera
Distancia: 55 km. Subida: 382 m.
Hoy continuarás siguiendo las fértiles huertas del río Guadalete hacia Jerez de la Frontera: ciudad conocida como el epicentro del Flamenco.
Tu hotel está ubicado en pleno centro y desde aquí puedes conocer lo mejor de la ciudad y disfrutar del ambiente de sus callejuelas, bares y terrazas y quizás visitar alguna bodega.
Día 6: Jerez a Cádiz
Distancia: 61 km. Subida: 343 m.
El último día de ruta ciclista te llevará hasta las playas de fina arena de la costa de Cádiz.
Cruzarás por El Puerto de Santa María donde recomendamos parar a probar su famoso pescaito frito.
El resto de la ruta te lleva por el Parque Natural de la Bahía de Cadiz, bordeando toda la bahía hasta llegar a la ciudad de la luz. Su catedral es muy diferente a cualquier otra en España.
Una vez en la ciudad, un carril bici junto al mar te llevará hasta tu fantástico hotel, el ultra moderno Parador de Cádiz, para acabar las vacaciones por todo lo alto.
Día 7: Despedida o noches extra
No pierdas la oportunidad de pasar alguna noche extra disfrutando de este gran hotel y su Spa y piscinas y la playa cercana. La ciudad de Cádiz también merece la pena explorar más.
El Viaje
Preguntas frequentes:
- ¿Como llegar al punto de inicio?
- Sevilla tiene conexión por AVE con muchas otras regiones de España.
- ¿Como volver al punto de inicio?
- Para volver de Cádiz a Sevilla, hay muchos trenes. Algunos de ellos son de alta velocidad. También hay trenes de alta velocidad directos desde Cádiz a Madrid.
Enlaces útiles:
Tres Paradores Nacionales de cuatro estrellas, dos hoteles de ciudad de cuatro estrellas y un hotel rural superior.
Noche 1: Sevilla
Fantástico hotel moderno de cuatro estrellas en el centro de la ciudad, ideal para conocer esta maravillosa ciudad.
Noche 2: Carmona
Parador construido en la impresionante fortaleza árabe del siglo XIV en el punto más alto de la ciudad. Ofrece una fabulosa piscina al aire libre, terrazas con espectaculares vistas y preciosos patios interiores al estilo islámico. Exquisitos servicio y calidades. Cuatro estrellas.
Noche 3: Montellano
Hotel rural ubicado en un pueblo con sabor auténtico gaditano y rodeado de naturaliza. Ofrece habitaciones agradables y frescas, zonas comunes acogedoras, piscina y cenas bajo las estrellas.
Noche 4: Arcos de la Frontera
Palacete hitórico ubicado en el centro del precioso pueblo blanco que ofrece impresionantes vistas desde su posición elevada hacia el río Guadalete y la Sierra de Grazalema. Excelente restaurante.
Noche 5: Jerez de la Frontera
Palacio del siglo XIX en el centro histórico de la ciudad, acabado en estilo colonial, neo-clásico. Habitaciones modernas y confortables. 4 estrellas.
Noche 6: Cádiz
A un paso de la playa de la Caleta, Parador de extraordinaria arquitectura moderna y habitaciones de diseño que resultan toda una experiencia. Estupenda piscina al aire libre, spa, terrazas e impresionantes vistas al mar.
Las Bicis
Bicicletas de turismoBicicletas eléctricas
Diseñadas para aguantar el transporte de equipajes en largos viajes y para dar seguridad y confort en el pedaleo. Estas bicicletas para grandes aventura están adaptadas a rodar tanto en asfalto como por caminos pedregosos.
La desventaja es el peso, pero en una travesía de larga duración, la fiabilidad, el confort y la seguridad son siempre más importantes.
- Componentes probados que permiten rutas sin mantenimiento.
- Amplitud de marchas.
- Transportín sólido para llevar peso de batería y alforjas.
- Luces con conexión eléctrica y dinamo rueda frontal.
- Otras características de confort: pata de cabra, guardabarros, porta bidones.
- Opción barra alta y barra baja y tallas xs a XL.
Equipamiento entregado:
- Cuentakilómetros
- Alforja trasera
- Porta mapas
- Casco
- Porta bidones
- Candado
- Bomba
- Kit de reparación pinchazo
- Herramientás básicas
Bicicletas de turismoBicicletas eléctricas
No todas las bicicletas eléctricas son adecuadas para el cicloturismo. La mayoría de las e-bikes están diseñadas para el uso urbano y no itinerarios de larga distancia.
Nuestra experiencia nos ha hecho decantarnos por e-bikes con estas características: fiabilidad, facilidad de uso, batería de larga duración y recarga rápida.
- Componentes probados que permiten rutas sin mantenimiento.
- Amplitud de marchas.
- Transportín sólido para llevar peso de batería y alforjas.
- Luces con conexión eléctrica y dinamo rueda frontal.
- Otras características de confort: pata de cabra, guardabarros, porta bidones.
- Opción barra alta y barra baja y tallas xs a XL.
Equipamiento entregado:
- Cuentakilómetros
- Alforja trasera
- Porta mapas
- Casco
- Porta bidones
- Candado
- Bomba
- Kit de reparación pinchazo
- Herramientas básicas
Por persona en habitación doble1,242 €
Esto incluye:
- 6 noches de hotel. 6 desayunos.
- Traslado de equipajes entre hoteles.
- Mapas detallados con el camino bien marcado.
- Descripción del itinerario, con recomendaciones sobre cosas que hacer y visitar, consejos e información sobre cada alojamiento, etc.
- Apoyo de emergencia.
- Seguro de actividad.
Suplemento habitación individual359 €
Suplemento viajero solitario630 €
Por persona en habitación doble1,370 €
Suplemento habitación individual523 €
Suplemento viajero solitario794 €
Alquiler bicicleta100 €
Alquiler E-bike180 €
Bicicleta Gravel180 €
Taxi Cadiz a Sevilla Aeropuerto (1-6 personas)194 €
Otras opciones:(Precio sobre demanda)
Noche(s) extra en Sevilla
Noche(s) extra en Cádiz
Media Pensión (cenas) solo en hoteles con restaurante
Upgrade a habitaciones superiores en 3 paradores
Si te interesa, ponte en contacto y dinos tus planes, requerimientos y preguntas.
- world-class
Another wonderful cycling holiday organised by Away from the Crowds. The Seville to Cadiz trip is expertly organised. As usual, the organisation and detail was exceptional.
All we had to do was pedal and enjoy the combination of fantastic scenery and the World-renowned cites of Seville, Jerez and Cadiz. The combination of the cities and two ancient historic towns (Carmona and Acros de la Frontera) made this a memorable trip.
Thank you again guys, your should be proud of your service as its world-class.
Ged Bell, UK
Thanks Ged. Always a pleasure to host you.
Jaime, AFTC.
- We especially enjoyed the Paradors
Seville was really interesting and well worth the two nights we spent there. It's really walkable and there were plenty of things to see including the Giralda Tower (really worth going to the top for great views of the city), Triana (bustling and lively), the Plaza de Espana (we saw it late at night and it was very impressive) and the area to the south of the cathedral including the Jardines de Murillo.
All of the accommodation was really well-chosen. We especially enjoyed the Paradors (the breakfasts are the best we've had anywhere). It was great to be able to sit out on the terraces at Carmona and Arcos de la Frontera drinking wine and eating bar snacks looking out on really stunning views. The Hacienda la Morena near Montellano was a really special place and the lovely hosts made our stay very memorable. It had been a long, exposed and very hot day's cycling from Carmona to Montellano and it was a really great place to end up at.
There was a good variety of cycling. It was great to be able get all the way out of Seville on the first day almost entirely on cycle lanes, and to be able to avoid the busy traffic and then to be able to cycle along areas with historical interest (we enjoyed the well-researched trip notes on the area's geography and history)
Carmona to Montellano was probably the toughest day because it was the most exposed for the most amount of time and - even though there was not that much ascent - there was a long time spent in the saddle, pedalling (we live among a lot of steep hills and are used to lots of uphill cycling, but also benefit from the descents!). However, as the trip progressed, and the countryside became greener it became more varied we got a better appreciation of the area. The Greenway along the disused railway after Montellano was fun and picturesque. We also enjoyed the stretch from Arcos de la Frontera to Jerez and was a nice contrast from the long miles spent travelling through fields of sunflowers and wheat (although you really get an idea of the size of Spain when you cycle along its long straight roads and wide open spaces).
All the stops along the route were well-chosen and we just wish we could have stayed longer in them (especially Arcos de la Frontera and Cadiz)
Thanks for a great cycling trip.
Simon Wilkins, UK
- a brilliant holiday
Communication from the company was excellent. No issues with luggage transfers. Sent GPS, road maps and detailed map book which was very handy when Garmin had an issue especially when cycling through some towns.
Bikes were sturdy touring bikes a bit heavier than our usual ride but very dependable.
We did have an issue after particularly heavy rain one day when we literally got stuck in clay / mud. We have suggested to AFTC team that maybe an alternative route is offered even if it's a little longer to stop others having the same issue. Some road cycling on busy roads but usually only for very short periods.
The scenery is stunning and all the Paradores and hotels we stayed in were beautiful and very comfortable bar the Jerez hotel. Although quirky, it didn’t quite hit the mark and major building work looks and sounds like it will be ongoing for a while.
Overall a brilliant holiday, well organised with beautiful hotels and scenery. Would definitely consider using AFTC again.
Hilary Shaw, UK.
Thanks for your feedback Hilary. We have changed hotel in Jerez since your comments. We really appreciate your input.
Jaime, AFTC.
- We loved the luxury
The organisation is fautless. Each hotel was fully expecting us on arrival and had our rooms ready and somewhere to safely store the bikes.
There were no problems with transporting our luggage either. Every morning we left it in the hotel reception and it was there waiting for us on arrival at the next hotel.
We also had one small problem where we had left a few items at a previous hotel. I called the emergency number and the lady from awayfromthecrowds helpfully advised me which hotel I should get my things shipped to and contacted them on my behalf.
The bikes were simple but solid touring bikes with front suspension and shimano groupsets which I always find dependable. They were well serviced and supplied by a small and friendly bike establishment in Seville by a man named Ali.
Our only issue was we had requested to male geometry bike and even double checked to confirm - however my partner still received a ladies bike.
A large waterproof pannier bag was supplied with each bike with all necessary tools.We were also supplied with excellent route maps and road books and .GPX files for our Garmin GPS - navigation was very easy with this combination.
The bike routes themselves were nice enough with quite a bit of variation. Be aware quite a bit of the route is on roads shared with cars, but we found the Andalucian drivers generally gave us a very wide berth which was great.
The run in to Jerez and Cadiz was on quite busy roads and through built up areas but we managed without any problem. Parts of the route were also on quiet unpaved tracks including a via verde on one of General Franco's unfinished railway routes which was lovely.
It was very hot for October - above 30 degrees every day so we set off early in the mornings to beat the worst of the heat. We only felt really hot on the climbs - of which there weren't many big ones.
What really shone out were the destinations and the hotels which really were first class. We loved the luxury and character of the Paradors and the hacienda at Montellano. It was great to be able to swim in the pools in the hot afternoons post biking.
The weak link was probably Palacio Garvey in Jerez - it wasn't terrible by any means but the room was a bit dark and dingy and the breakfast and facilities didn't match the others.
All the destinations were lovely places. Carmona was probably my favourite of them all, a lovely small Pueblo Blanco full of character after the hustle and bustle of Seville, and the Parador was truly amazing.
We sometimes found it tricky to find places for lunch in some of the small towns on route. Things were very quiet during the heat of the day - it was useful to pack some food in the panniers just in case.
Some basic Spanish also went a long way. I would gladly recommend this tour!
:) Guy Thompson, UK.
Thanks for the feedback Guy. We have taken on your comments about the hotel in Jerez and no longer use it. We appreciate your input to help us improve.
Jaime, AFTC.
- I would have no hesitation in recommending your team
We had a great holiday -
Organisation/communication was great
Hotel standard perfect
GPS files invaluable
The roadside cafe mentioned on the route from Arcos to Jerez near the reservoir is well and truly shut !
I have to say I would have no hesitation in recommending your team .
Thanks Tab
Tabitha and Noel Tinker, UK
- Overall thoroughly enjoyable and looking forward to another trip
Accomodation and breakfasts excellent (although breakfast sub-standard at Montellano hotel).
Trip notes and coloured A4 maps excellent.
GPX files also excellent (although our phones shutdown from overheating on the 30+ degrees days)
E-bikes struggled a bit with distances and with rutted, pot-holed, bumpy tracks.
Some of the route was too rough for comfort (end of season problem?)
Overall thoroughly enjoyable and looking forward to another trip in 2023.
Alistair Thomson in Auckland, New Zealand
- Everything was in time: bikes delivery, luggage transfers, shuttle. Hotels were superb! It was so nice to relax in a bathtub after a day of cycling.
Thank you very much for organizing our holiday. Your service was truly awesome!
Everything was in time: bikes delivery, luggage transfers, shuttle. Hotels were superb! It was so nice to relax in a bathtub after a day of cycling.
We passed beautiful cities, saw alcazars, churches. It would’ve been better if we’ve done it in springs when the fields were not empty, but it was enough beauty anyway.
The only setback was the amount of trash on the side of the roads, especially near cities and towns. This was the only setback that you can’t do much about, but we mention this just to raise the awesomeness of the problem.
In spite of this, the trip was beautiful: nature, culture, history, food!!
We would love to go again with you.
Thank you again, Marina and Alexei Belenky, USA.
- it was very well organised by your company.
We had a very lovely holiday - thank you - and it was very well organised by your company.
Nice hotels and route. Some days it felt like there was quite a lot of road compared to our experience in Rioja but perhaps that’s just the reality of the region …
Ann Branch, Belgium
- the bill from the bar in El Coronil simply said Inglisi - 20€!
We enjoyed the Andalucia trip very much. All the hotels were good and the cycling days were about right (given we were cycling in 40°C on day one and 30+ the other days). All the towns were lovely, and we particularly liked Sevilla, Carmona and Cadiz.
It was nice to ride away from the roads although some of this was quite rough and might not be as good in wet weather!
Stopping for lunch in the smaller towns and villages en-route was good although we were so obviously English (being very pale and having lunch at 1300) that the bill from the bar in El Coronil simply said Inglisi - 20€! #pThe ride to Cadiz, across the reserves was good. #pThe road into Carmona was a bit busy and it was the very hot day and not many places to stop, so that was the bit of riding that was less enjoyable. #pThe hotel in Jerez was a bit far out of the centre, so we didn't see as much as we would like. It was nice but we would have preferred being in the centre.
Neil. UK
Compensación de huella de CO₂
Estas vacaciones producen una huella de carbono de 0,6411 toneladas de CO₂. Esto es la suma del impacto de transfers en coche, movimiento de maletas y alojamientos por cada viajero.
Nuestro compromiso es compensar la huella de CO₂ de cada reserva a través de proyectos de reforestación de bosques tropicales en colaboración con la plataforma CeroCO₂.
Si quieres compensar las emisiones producidas por tu desplazamiento al punto de partida y vuelta a casa te invitamos a que lo hagas en myclimate. Abajo verás un enlace.